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The Economist is one of the world's most well-known international publications, focusing on current affairs, global politics, economics, business, science, technology, and culture. Founded in 1843, The Economist is headquartered in London and has a significant global readership. Global Perspective: The Economist takes a global approach to its coverage, often offering a viewpoint on international issues and events from various regions of the world. The magazine is well-regarded for its balanced and informed perspectives, with an emphasis on economic liberalism, free markets, and global cooperation. The Economist is a highly respected, internationally recognized publication that provides insightful, in-depth analysis of the most pressing global issues. Whether you're interested in politics, economics, technology, or culture, The Economist offers a comprehensive and nuanced perspective on the world. It is widely read by professionals, academics, and decision-makers, as well as anyone who is looking for a sophisticated take on current affairs.
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